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  • 2025-01-31
    TLDR: good gun, the description isn't perfectly accurate but the gun shoots good even though the gel balls have to be 7.5mm maximum.

    Things to be wary off:
    - The battery is a lithium ion (Liion) and not a lithium polymer (Lipo) like advertised
    - The battery only has an SM plug and no balance cable to use with a balance charger so be careful when charging.
    - The charger doesn't have any indicator light except for a red one that just fades so don't leave your charger unattended and don't leave it too long!!!!
    - The gel balls have to be 7-7.5mm max otherwise they get destroyed in the barrel (I used 8mm ones and it was too big)

    The blaster is good. The paint job was clean with only a few minor defects, the blaster shoots actually pretty good and at a solid fire-rate and the hopper can actually hold like 35-40 gel balls not 15. I would give it 5 stars if not for the battery and charger. Would recommend!
  • 2025-01-30
    TLDR: good gun, the description isn't perfectly accurate but the gun shoots good even though the gel balls have to be 7.5mm maximum.

    Things to be wary off:
    - The battery is a lithium ion (Liion) and not a lithium polymer (Lipo) like advertised
    - The battery only has an SM plug and no balance cable to use with a balance charger so be careful when charging.
    - The charger doesn't have any indicator light except for a red one that just fades so don't leave your charger unattended and don't leave it too long!!!!
    - The gel balls have to be 7-7.5mm max otherwise they get destroyed in the barrel (I used 8mm ones and it was too big)

    The blaster is good. The paint job was clean with only a few minor defects, the blaster shoots actually pretty good and at a solid fire-rate and the hopper can actually hold like 35-40 gel balls not 15. I would give it 5 stars if not for the battery and charger. Would recommend!