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Home>Foam Dart Blasters>Rifle Foam Blasters>XingShen Fire Phoenix High Performance Rifle Foam Blaster
XingShen Fire Phoenix High Performance Rifle Foam Blaster

XingShen Fire Phoenix High Performance Rifle Foam Blaster

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US$ 79.99

This blaster only ship to USA, UK, Australia, Israel, Brazil, New Zealand, Europe, Russia, chile


Material: nylon

Fire mode: manual

Color: purple; tan

Ammo type: stefan short darts

Mag capacity: 10pcs

Size: 62.5cm

Weight: 1.6kg


Shooting range: 20-25m

Fire power: up to 150 FPS (normal darts)

up to 170 FPS (bamboo darts)

Package Includes:

1x  foam darts Blaster

1x 553 holographic sight 

1x magazine

2x Iron sight

20x short darts

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