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Differences between Airsoft vs Gel Blaster

Gelsoft shoots 400 or more FPS after upgrades, which is similar to the limit that Airsoft can do. In this post, we will dive deep into the differences between gelsoft and airsoft.

Differences Airsoft Gelsoft
Cost per match

Higher. Around $15 per 10000 BBS

Lower. It is a few dollars per 10000 high quality gel balls


Rifles shoot 300-400 FPS on average. Snipper shoots 500-600 FPS. BBS material and shape also inference the FPS.

Most airsoft fields has a limit of 350 FPS for CQB as higher FPS will potentially causing severe hurts.

Gel gun shoots 250-280 FPS on average out of the box. There are plenty of upgrades available in the market, players can upgrade or even DIY their gel gun to shoots over 400 FPS.

It is common for gelsoft fields set a limit of 350 FPS for CQB to avoid hurts.

Accuracy Airsoft shoots with a higher accuracy as they are made of hard material. Most common BBS is 6mm and weight 0.2g. The trajectory of a heavier BBS is less affected by wind and air resistance. Especially for high quality BBS which went through detailed molding to ensure a precise spherical shape, which shoots more accurately.

Gelsoft shoots with lower accuracy as 90% of the gel balls are water and they are softer. The shape of gel balls are spherical and around 7mm, weight 0.2g ( same as BBS in airsoft).

Adding hop-up to the gel gun and shooting with higher quality gel balls are common ways to shoots with higher accuracy.

Cost  A good airsoft gun costs around $200 A good and upgradable gel blaster costs around $100-200.
Impact to human body As BBS is hard and it travels in the air with less resistance as it's smaller. An airsoft gun shoots at 350 FPS in CQB can already penetrate skin. As gel balls burst when hitting the target, a gel gun shoots at 350 FPS at CQB mostly caused a sting to the skin, it is rare for the ammo to penetrate skin.
Impact to environment

BBS can be made of plastic, coated with metal which are non-biodegradable, causing harm to the soil.

Some BBS are made of plant-based resins which will be bio-degradable over a long time.

Get balls are super absorbent polymer which is bio-degradable, non-toxic and non-irritating. After soaking with water, 99% of gel balls are made of water.

It is originally used in agriculture to keep water moist, leaving no impacts to the environment.

Both gel blaster and airsoft are great shooting sports. Comparing gelsoft to airsoft, is like comparing Android to iOS, you can play and master both if you like shooting sports.

Gelsoft is challenging in a way that it shoots with a lower speed and a lower accuracy that airsoft out of the box, but there is also big room to upgrade her speed and accuracy along the way, you need to understand the effects of different materials of the parts and how the mechanic works all together, it is the challenge which gives you the satisfaction.

<< Differences between JM M4a1 Gen8 and Gen9 Gel Blaster

>> What kind of Gel Balls Should You Buy for Gel Blasters?